61 year old male with history of diabetes


Note: This is an online E Log book recorded by Ajitesh Racharla to discuss and comprehend our patient's de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Chief complaints: No new complaints 

HOPI: 61 yr old male patient Railway chief by occupation came for regular health checkup 

Patient works in the shift of 8 hours per day with change in duty timings i.e at 6am 2pm 8pm respectively. 

The patient was under regular health check up . During one of the health checkups he was diagnosed with DM and HTN in the year 2006. Since then he has been under medication for control of blood sugar levels.

Negative History : No History of Headache,Vomiting ,Palpitations and Shortness of Breath, asthma 

Past illness: patient was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and hypertension in 2006 

Personal History: Mixed diet

Bowel And Bladder-Regular 

 Sleep Adequate 

No Allergies And addictions

Family History: Patient’s mother was diabetic 

General Examination: 

Patient is Conscious, 

Moderately Built and Nourished.

Pallor Absent 

Icterus Absent

Clubbing Absent

Cyanosis Absent

Lymphadenopathy Absent

Edema Absent 


Clinical Images

Provisional diagnosis

Uncontrolled DM


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